Saturday, March 15, 2008

Life Insurance Policy -- How Do I Make Massive Savings Without Putting My Family At Risk

If you are one of those wondering how they can pay a lot less for a life insurance policy without putting their families at risk, this is for you: Time-tested ways to pay a lot less...

1. Understanding the Cost Index will help you shop better. And you know that shopping better means you can easily get better rates. What is Cost Index? It is a system developed by the insurance industry to make comparison shopping a lot easier. With it you can easily compare similar life insurance plans to determine which is a better bargain for you. The lower the cost index number the better the deal. Ask your agent for the Cost Index before you pay for a policy.

2. Lose weight and your life insurance premium will drop. An insured's Body Mass Index (BMI) is an important factor that determines what you pay as life insurance rate.

The higher an individual's BMI rating, the higher their life insurance premium will be. The more extra weight you have for your height and sex the higher your Body Mass Index rating will be. Now don't wait until when you can lose thirty pounds because dropping as little as five pounds can drop you into a lower BMI rating which leads to more affordable life insurance rates.

3. Do your utmost to maintain an outstanding credit rating. Having a poor credit rating is simply making hard for yourself apart from the fact that your premium will be much higher. This is because insurers regard individuals who miss payments as reckless and a bigger risk to them. Once you are seen as bad risk you'll get more expensive life insurance rates.

4. If you take part in high risk or extreme sports you'll attract expensive life insurance rates. It's therefore compulsory to quit such high risk sports if you need lower life insurance rates.

5. You can realize savings of over $2,000 on life insurance policy by obtaining and comparing quotes. Using a minimum of five quotes sites increase the chances that you would get more quotes. This offers you a broader basis for doing more extensive comparisons thus increasing your chances of getting cheaper rates.


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